Precision Cut LA

The Key To Diamond Brilliance Lies In Its Cut

Cutting a diamond to perfection requires great skill and precision. Here are some key aspects involved in cutting a diamond:

  1. Proportions: The proportions of the diamond, including the angles and facets, are crucial. The ideal cut reflects and refracts light in the most favorable way, maximizing its brilliance, fire, and scintillation.
  2. Symmetry: Achieving symmetrical facets and alignments is important for the diamond’s overall appearance. It helps ensure even light distribution and enhances the diamond’s beauty.
  3. Polish: The diamond’s surface must be polished meticulously to remove any imperfections or blemishes. A high-quality polish enhances the diamond’s luster and contributes to its brilliance.
  4. Facet Alignment: The arrangement and alignment of the diamond’s facets are critical. Each facet must be precisely placed to optimize light reflection and create an appealing pattern of light and dark areas.

Diamond cutting requires expertise and adherence to specific guidelines to achieve the desired brilliance. Our skilled diamond cutters take into account the diamond’s unique characteristics and aim to enhance its natural beauty through careful cutting techniques.